Ash and Tyler on Christmas morning! Sassy Tai showing off her attitude! Trey getting excited f0r Christmas the net day! Me , josh, whit, and THE AWESOMEST SNOWMAN EVER! Mom and dad standing on the sidelines watching the games go on! Kam and her Christmas toys! :) Cute Tatum chillin in the sled! Scott making french toast! YUM!
Me and Whitney being dorks as usual! Christmas day is a crazy one in the Aston house! It is Whitney's last Christmas and we are all enjoying it with her and the insane snow!
Whitney got her mission call and she's going to Oakland California! Sorry i haven't updated in forever things have been crazy with Whit getting her mission call and getting ready to go and Christmas and every thing else! P.S. i have been officially assigned to update Whitney"s blog while she is gone!